23 May 2016: Bye Skags, we will miss you

T - Today we were leaving Skagway and striking out on the next part of our journey. I feel that reaching Skagway was a good goal for me. I’m proud of our little bikes for getting us here. Yes I know that many others have covered many more miles on smaller bikes than ours, but, after Mabel's being crashed into, then seizing her engine and having now travelled another 9000 km’s on that same seized engine, plus Chantelles wipe out which has twisted Rosie’s front end a little, I feel these two bikes are troopers. They have climbed mountains, swam creeks and crossed deserts. Danced with goats in the sun and then drowned in the pouring rain. Such fun! 

C – Cue soppy music and pass the tissues…. we do so love our little engine babies!!

T – We packed up our camp and had a nice chat to an American couple, John and Desiree, who are doing some touring in their motorhome. They are basically heading in the same direction as us so we expect to see them again along the way!

We rode into town and were greeted by throngs of people. Too many people! People everywhere. Spilling off the sidewalks, crowding the shops, choking the roads and just generally being a bloody nuisance!

There were four massive cruise ships in town. So we grabbed some coffee and fuel for the bikes and skedaddled out towards Dyea for a ride while we waited to board our ferry.

C – The day was cold and overcast, with the moody clouds clinging to the mountains around Skagway. Whilst the road to Dyea and back would have been simply stunning on a clear blue day, the moodiness of the clouds added something for me – it was intimidating and dramatic and I loved it.

When we arrived back in Skagway we headed to the post office to send a little parcel to my lovely little mother – Hello Little Mother xxx

T – We arrived at the ferry terminal ready to go around 1pm. The wind was howling and we were both freezing our bums off. Layered up with jumpers, jackets, scarves and beanies. Still that wind managed to chop its way through. Biting harshly at any patch of exposed skin. Brrrrrrr.

We were lucky though. We got to board the ferry last, and so endured another hour of the wind! Eventually we boarded the ferry and almost ran up stairs into the warm cabin spaces. Bliss!

C – We warmed up in the observation lounge of the ferry, then ventured outside, hoping to snap some pics of the amazing scenery. But my goodness, the icy wind was just way too much and we were soon running for the door back to the warmth. We did see a whale from the observation lounge, so we were both very happy.

T – The ferry ride lasted around an hour and spat us out just outside of the town of Haines. From here we turned northwards again towards the Canadian border.

Another pleasant Canada border crossing, with friendly customs staff, and we were back in British Columbia. We had no idea of where we were camping tonight. Just that it was somewhere along this road.

We had heard that this was quite a nice road to ride. That was an understatement! We climbed and climbed and the temperatures dropped and dropped, until we were above the snowline. The forest dropped away and we just cruised in silence. The scenery slipping by. So beautiful. So cold. What a ride.

Being so cold can sometimes take away from the ride, but not today. It was just so amazing up here. Even though I couldn’t feel my hands or my feet, and I was feeling very unwell, I still loved every second of that bit of road.

C – All I can say about this road is that I decided this scenery is worth being cold for!!!! We pulled into camp in the Yukon Province and I set about making the best fire yet. It was a beauty and warmed us both us nicely and after a warming dinner of mash potato and gravy (his favourite!) Todd was feeling much better. We are impressed that the Yukon Province provides dry firewood at their government camps!!!

Tomorrow we shall continue towards Anchorage.


24 May 2016: Cold, Wet and Miserable


22 May 2016: Being a bloody tourist ourselves