31 March 2016: Having a yarn
What a gorgeous morning! After the grey rainy day of yesterday, it was nice to poke my head out of tent and see blue sky in every direction. The air was crisp and fresh and had that little burn when it hit your lungs upon inhaling deeply. I love mornings like this!
We sat down and had a breakfast of boiled eggs and tea and coffee when a ute pulled up in front of us. An older man hopped out with his coffee mug in hand and came chatted to us. He was a very interesting fella who lived off the land as much as he could and hunted his own meat in the form of wild pigs and goats from the area. Also, it turns out he used to race flat track speedway and has ridden bikes all his life. He had some cool stories! Nice to have met you Old Fossil!
After we packed up our gear we wandered off towards Yass where we are going to stay with a good friend of Chantelle’s. The riding was sublime and we rode through some spectacular scenery up over rolling hills and down into meandering valleys. I stopped and explored some old convict built culverts along the way. It was brilliant!
We took our time as we only had a short distance to ride today, and enjoyed a long lunch break in the sun. We were quite chilly today as we have hit 1000mts above sea level a few times and there has been a cutting cold wind.
Eventually we arrived in Yass after a short highway stint. The house we are staying in was originally built as an inn called The Spotted Dog in the 1800’s and is simply stunning. I quizzed the owner on its history and rifled through all her old photos of the place. I’m fascinated with places such as this.
We were treated to a home cooked dinner and fresh baked bread after a heap of cheese and crackers. All washed down with beer and wine and a dessert of chocolate. WOW. It was amazing.
This place is going up on Airbnb so, as soon as I get a link for it, I will post it up. Definitely check it out if you're looking for somewhere to stay in Yass.