4 April 2016: The end of time. Daylight savings time that is

After an attempted sleep in (daylight savings has finished) we were up and at it. Coffee was brewing while we packed camp away and soon we were on our way to Batemans Bay.

Not far from camp we stopped in at a cool old church built from granite. The cool colours and textures grabbed my attention as we went past it, so we had to go back. It looked like an old castle from a fantasy book.

We were soon chatting lovely English couple who looked after the place. The have a great passion for the church and were keen to show us around and Doris was keen to tell us about the history of the church. Turns out the old church organ is one of only 7 imported to Australia and is now only one of two that actually still works. Unfortunately though, they have had to install a burglar alarm as some nasty thieves had been making off with some old pieces of the pulpit. Seriously? Why? I don’t understand stealing from churches, Well anywhere really…

We grabbed some photos and headed off as Sunday Service was about to begin.

We just meandered through to Batemans Bay via a few touristy coastal roads and occasionally the A1 Highway. We were only doing a short ride today as I still am not sleeping well and I was absolutely buggered.

Once in Batemans we did a quick shop for some fresh green thingos, and I grabbed some packets of deliciously tasty and sugary biscuits.

Our camp wasn’t far from here and we rode the short yet very scenic road there.Once we arrived Mabel set about collecting firewood and pretending to be a log truck, while Rosie lounged about being lazy.

Not a bad day in the end. Short and sweet. Plus I ate a whole pack of biscuits and had to go back to the shops for more. Green stuff was ok too.

Tomorrow…maybe Jervis Bay…


5 April 2016: To Jervis Bay


3 April 2016: Cheesey cheese cheese