6 May 2016: Highway of Tears

We woke to gorgeous blue skies and a lovely chill in the air. We were really looking forward to our ride today! We intended to knock out a few extra km’s to try to make up for some that we had lost. So we packed up and after a quick drive through the main street, set off for Prince George.

Unfortunately we were stuck on the highways now as many backroads that we could see didn’t loop around and join up to where we wanted to go. We have also decided to try to pick a camp some distance ahead and aim to reach there by 3-4pm each day. No more motels!!

The highway was like any other. Wide, fast and smooth. Before we knew it we were in Prince George. This place had a very industrial feel about it and after we had our obligatory Tim Hortons coffee and Bagel we headed out of town with our destination being Fraser Lake.

By now we had started to see some signs along the highway asking for information about missing girls. We were riding on what is known as the Highway of Tears. It seems many girls have been taken from the highway while hitchhiking and are never seen alive again. So sad and it made for a sobering ride. For more info go here.

We eventually made it to Fraser Lake and the free campsite that the town has down by the lake. What a beautiful spot!! I would imagine that it would be very popular in the warmer weather, however it was just us and a stray dog!

We did some minor maintenance on the bikes, Rosie needed her carb leaning out and Mabel needed her front tyre flipped around. Then it was time to kick back with a burger and watch the sun go down until eventually the mozzies drove us into the tent. A good ride today even though nothing of note happened.

Tomorrow we are meeting up with Cindy’s brother and his wife near a town called Smithers! Can't wait!!


7 May 2016: New found friends!


5 May 2016: There’s gold in them thar hills!