28 March 2016: The Goats Who Stare at Men

Woke up nice and early this morning. Before the sun even peeked over the horizon. Partly thanks to the truck parked near us with his engine running while he slept!

It was a good excuse to get up and get Mabel’s new tyre on.

Chantelle made us breakfast while I did the tyre change. We had a cup of coffee from Chantelle’s fancy AeroPress. It was a strong coffee. To strong for this black duck, and I ended up tipping it out.

As we packed up camp we drew an unusual crowd. About 10 goats all turned up and followed us back and forth as we packed the bikes up. One got a little cocky and started climbing on the table amongst our gear. We quickly shooed him away! The rest just stood there and stared at us. Weirdo’s.

Once packed up, we got on the road. The air was quite cool and I soon had Mabel’s heated grips turned on full! Yes I am bloody soft!

Lots of road kill today. We just plodded along. Swerving between carcasses. The Barrier Highways seemingly stretching into forever. The scenery was still pretty though and we watched as it changed from bare ground to scrub and bright red dirt and finally farmland.

We passed through Cobar where we had a break for lunch and some photos. From there we decided to push on to Nyngan which was near to our chosen camp for the night.

And what a nice camp it is! We are the only ones here, which is surprising as it’s the Easter weekend. Mr Plod kindly waved us down as we came into town for a breathalyser test and we ended up chatting to him about postie bikes for a while. Nice fella!

The Easter bunny came for us! Chantelle got an Aero bar, her favourite, and I got a block of Cadbury’s. YUMMMMMM. We ate the lot instantly!

Tomorrow we will take a back road and knock a chunk of the 390kms left to Bathurst, on the head.


29 March 2016: Bogans everywhere!


27 March 2016: Look out goat!