29 March 2016: Bogans everywhere!

We were up with the sun today, and it was glorious! I think I had the best sleep last night that I have had in a long time. Felt so refreshed and ready to take on the road again!

We have both had enough of the highways for now so we set the GPS for Bathurst via all the back roads only. We had been told of a nice way through a few small towns by a guy on Facebook. So we assumed this is where the GPS would take us. We followed the Bogan River on Bogan Way all morning, stopping in Tullamore for lunch and continuing on until we ended up in a town called Bogan Gate. Where I guess all the bogan’s are? For those who don’t know what a bogan is, its an Aussie version of a redneck. Bogan’s are all about cars, burnouts and booze, a bit like us really! Then we were back onto a small quiet highway which we followed all the way through to a town called Manildra. Finally we are back into some hills! Mabel is not happy about that!

This was our camp stop today and as we got here quite early we spent a bit of time doing some bike maintenance. Then it was dinner and time to get into the tent.

Looking forward to doing a lap of Bathurst tomorrow! Woohoo! That’s the bogan in us getting all excited!


30 March 2016: Do a lap of Bathurst


28 March 2016: The Goats Who Stare at Men